Tuition & Fees
It's our goal to make Growing Place affordable to as many families as possible.
That's why as a non-profit organization we fundraise up to 10% of our annual operating budget. To that end, each family that attends the Growing Place reaps the benefits from the shared philanthropic efforts of our community.

Monthly Tuition
(12 month contract)
$2,700 | $2,500
Infant & Toddler | Preschool
Material Fee
Annual fee, non-refundable
Enrollment Fee
One-time, non-refundable
Application Fee*
Per campus, per child, non-refundable
*The admissions application fee is waived for families applying to our Tuition Assistance Program.
Tuition Assistance Program
Our Tuition Assistance Program aids Marine Park Campus and Lab School Campus, thanks to grant funds promoting socio-economic diversity. Eligibility requires Santa Monica residency, full-time employment, and financial need. Reduced tuition may be available for low-income families. Notably, the program excludes support for the Ocean Park Campus.
The amount of assistance available is subject to the availability of funds. Both parents must present financial information. Single parents must present proof of sole legal custody.
Growing Place uses a confidential financial assistance application processing service called FAST - Financial Aid for School Tuition. If you have any questions about the application process, call 1-877-326-FAST.
We also accept families who receive subsidies from other agencies (e.g., Connections for Children, CCAMPIS).
Growing Place's Tuition Assistance Program has been one of the greatest gifts our family has ever received. As a single working mother, Growing Place has given me the freedom, flexibility, and confidence to run a non-profit organization knowing my son spends his days in truly the happiest place.
Alumni Parent