For Educators
Think with us!
We recognize that each educator’s needs and school settings are unique. We believe the Reggio Approach to early childhood education is a powerful tool to help children, teachers, and parents grow, learn and develop.
We want to get that tool into the hands of educators. Inquire about our practicum teaching positions, resources, and professional development opportunities.
Educator Tours
Educator Tours are 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Include a tour of the campus, insightful discussion, and a collaborative presentation session by school leadership and classroom educators.
Registration fee is non-refundable
Register for individual Educator Tours below!
Friday, September 27, 2024
Building Relationships and Curriculum with Infants and Toddlers
Explore innovative learning strategies tailored for the youngest learners and how we develop and extend small group work in our early education setting. Gain practical tools and pedagogical insights to create enriching learning experiences that foster growth and development in your classrooms.
Marine Park Campus 1406 Marine Street Santa Monica, CA 90405
Registration Closed
New Date
Friday, April 4, 2025
Discovering the Possibilities of the Atelierista and Teacher Partnership
Investigate how the combined perspectives of the atelierista and the teacher develop collaborative small group work and how you can meaningfully work with materials in your setting. Gain inspiration for weaving diverse materials and rich viewpoints into your curriculum.
Ocean Park Campus 401 Ashland Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90405
Register Here
Friday, May 16, 2025
Encounters with Play and Belonging
Delve into highlights of two years of research with children, educators, and families on Play and Belonging. Examine moments from constructivist, Reggio-inspired curriculum with infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms for the understandings we reached about our overarching theme. Gain pedagogical insights on building community while deepening learning.
Lab School Campus 1802 4th Street Santa Monica, CA 90401
Register Here

Professional Development
Contributing to the field of ECE by offering professional development.

Work with us
Bring your passion, grow your career.
We are a leader in constructivist early education in our region, and welcome dedicated professionals to join our team.

“Teaching at Growing Place is about more than just quality. It's about working as a community of engaged researchers, innovators, and co-creators of new visions for the field of early childhood education. Every day at GP is an opportunity to revisit and remake the way we see children, families, and the work of school.
Micah Card, former Growing Place Teacher

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